Skilled Trades Blog

The Best Ways To Fund Your Gas Technician Training

Posted by Brad Dixon

Pursuing an education in the skilled trades can be expensive. There are high costs associated with education that can lead you to feel overwhelmed and frustrated, however not many people know grants and loans are available through the Ontario Ministry of Training. As a student it becomes difficult to balance between work and school, so look into the different funding options that are available for you.

Apply For Grants

One of the best ways to assist you to pay for school is through grants. Grants are free tuition help from the government, your school or a private organization. Grants differ from things like loans because you do not have to pay back. This is one of the best ways to pay for a trades education. To apply for grants you can:

  • Reach out to school you want to go to or the programs you are ensuing to go to and look into their financial aid office to connect with grant opportunities
  • Meet with your local union to see the opportunities through union programs

Before you begin your skilled trades training, look into grants and other skilled trades funding options to help you in your journey. 

Student Loans

Student loans are one of the most efficient ways to help pay for your gas technician training. When taking out a student loan within Ontario, the immediate six-month period after you leave school you do not have to make payments.

However, beware that it is your responsibility to contact your loan providbler to set up a payment schedule. These are the most common ways students fund their education, they allow you to make small installments to help pay them off.

First Nations & Inuit PSSSP

For First Nations and Inuit students, the First Nation and Inuit Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) offers financial assistance to Status Indian students, as well as Inuit students. To get the funding you must be enrolled in one of the eligible post-secondary programs, such as our gas technician training program at the Skilled Trades Academy.

The First Nation & Inuit PSSSP provides tuition support for both full and part time students, as well as support for the cost of books and supplies required by courses. The program also funds living expenses for full time students, and offers travel support for full time students who must leave home for school.


An RESP is a Registered Education Savings Plan, and works as a contract between an individual (subscriber) and a person or organization (promoter). The subscriber names a beneficiary, the future student, and makes contributions to the plan on their behalf. The promoter makes educational assistance payments to the beneficiary. 

An RESP can be either a family plan or a specified plan. A family plan allows for more than one beneficiary, where a specified plan is only allowed one beneficiary. 

If you are concerned about funding your education, be sure to look into all of the options available to you. Don't become financially stressed during your time to learn through grants, loans and second career funding is able to assist you through your education journey. If you're ready to start your journey at a private career college for gas technician training, click below to find out about our upcoming course.

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Topics: Trade School, Funding